Chronology of irregular actions by Russian Federation in Crimea

Voices of Ukraine

The chronology of irregular actions on the part of the Russian Federation
in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

By Dmitry Tymchuk,
Head of the Center for Military-Political Studies (NGO)


In recent days numerous cases of Russian Federation Armed Forces units arrived in violation of international rules and agreements.

For instance, on February 28, at 8.45 a.m. the flight of more than 10 military helicopters was monitored by the technical observation post located on the cape of Takil from the direction of the Russian Federation to Ukraine.

Three helicopters (two KA-27 and one Mi-8) landed at the Kacha airport and passed through the border and customs established procedures according to an application made preliminarily. The rest of the helicopters came down near the airport; herewith, there was no answer received on the border detail chief’s appeal concerning the necessity of passing the established formalities by these helicopters, which arrived without…

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