То о чём говорил Литвиненко- Россия центр всемирного терроризма- Litvinenko told: Russia- a center of world terrorism


Uniwersytet Przyjaźni Narodów imienia Patrisa Lumumby zalicza się do wiodących uniwersytetów Rosji

Rosyjski Uniwersytet Przyjaźni Narodów imienia Patrisa Lumumby zalicza się do wiodących uniwersytetów Rosji. Nie tylko oferuje on wysoki poziom wykształcenia, ale i sprzyja umocnieniu przyjacielskich więzi i współpracy z Rosją – oświadczył prezydent Dmitrij Miedwiediew.

Rosyjski Uniwersytet Przyjaźni Narodów imienia Patrisa Lumumby zalicza się do wiodących uniwersytetów Rosji. Nie tylko oferuje on wysoki poziom wykształcenia, ale i sprzyja umocnieniu przyjacielskich więzi i współpracy z Rosją – oświadczył prezydent Dmitrij Miedwiediew. W życzeniach dla kolektywu uniwersytetu, który obchodzi 50-lecie istnienia, prezydent podkreślił, że jego owocna naukowo-edukacyjna działalność także w przyszłości będzie jego wizytówką. Dziesiątki tysięcy absolwentów uniwersytetu pracują dziś w 170 państwach.
Czytaj dalej: http://pl.sputniknews.com/polish.ruvr.ru/2010/02/05/4621563/


Złą sławą cieszą się szczególnie dwa rejony Moskwy – okolice parku Izmailovskiego i słynne akademiki Uniwersytetu Przyjaźni Narodów im. Lumumby.


ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israeli Mossad, NSA Documents Reveal


Globalresearch is just another shill arm of the Kremlin’s propaganda/psych warfare program


As far as Snowden, he is the same thing – simply an agent in Russia’s war.

From Russian FSB(KGB) agent Alexander Litvinenko who was poisoned to death with polonium in 2006 (before ISIS)…


Support of terrorism worldwide by the KGB and FSB

Litvinenko stated that „all the bloodiest terrorists of the world” were connected to FSB-KGB, including Carlos „The Jackal” Ramírez, Yassir Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Abdullah Öcalan, Wadie Haddad of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, George Hawi who led the Communist Party of Lebanon, Ezekias Papaioannou from Cyprus, Sean Garland from Ireland, and many others. He said that all of them were trained, funded, and provided with weapons, explosives and counterfeit documents to carry out terrorist attacks worldwide and that each act of terrorism made by these people was carried out according to the task and under the rigid control of the KGB of the USSR. Litvinenko said that „the center of global terrorism is not in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan or the Chechen Republic. The terrorism infection creeps away worldwide from the cabinets of the Lubyanka Square and the Kremlin”.

Alleged Russia-al-Qaeda connection

In a July 2005 interview with the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita, Litvinenko alleged that Ayman al-Zawahiri, a prominent leader of al-Qaeda, was trained for half a year by the FSB in Dagestan in 1997 and called him „an old agent of the FSB”. Litvinenko said that after this training, al-Zawahiri „was transferred to Afghanistan, where he had never been before and where, following the recommendation of his Lubyanka chiefs, he at once … penetrated the milieu of Osama bin Laden and soon became his assistant in Al Qaeda.” Konstantin Preobrazhenskiy, a former KGB officer and writer, supported this claim and said that Litvinenko „was responsible for securing the secrecy of Al-Zawahiri’s arrival in Russia; he was trained by FSB instructors in Dagestan, Northern Caucasus, in 1996–1997.”. He said: „At that time, Litvinenko was the Head of the Subdivision for Internationally Wanted Terrorists of the First Department of the Operative-Inquiry Directorate of the FSB Anti-Terrorist Department. He was ordered to undertake the delicate mission of securing Al-Zawahiri from unintentional disclosure by the Russian police. Though Al-Zawahiri had been brought to Russia by the FSB using a false passport, it was still possible for the police to learn about his arrival and report to Moscow for verification. Such a process could disclose Al-Zawahiri as an FSB collaborator. In order to prevent this, Litvinenko visited a group of highly placed police officers to notify them in advance.” According to Sergei Ignatchenko, an FSB spokesman, al-Zawahiri was arrested by Russian authorities in Dagestan in December 1996 and released in May 1997.

When asked in an interview who he thought the originator of the 2005 bombings in London was, Litvinenko responded saying, „You know, I have spoken about it earlier and I shall say now, that I know only one organization, which has made terrorism the main tool of solving of political problems. It is the Russian special services.”

ISIS came directly as an offshoot of this gang he is speaking about.

By extrapolation you then realize that 9/11 was also a Russian attack upon America via the Hamburg Cell.

Ten wpis został opublikowany w kategorii Uncategorized. Dodaj zakładkę do bezpośredniego odnośnika.

33 odpowiedzi na „То о чём говорил Литвиненко- Россия центр всемирного терроризма- Litvinenko told: Russia- a center of world terrorism

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