Jak złowić trolla Olgino samodzielnie ,krótki przewodnik.

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31 odpowiedzi na „Jak złowić trolla Olgino samodzielnie ,krótki przewodnik.

  1. zenobiusz pisze:

    Rosyjskie służby w stanie mobilizacji przed szczytem NATO. Szykują akcję przeciwko Polsce

    Tu oryginały po kliknięciu więcej informacji u autora twittów o trollach Olgino i wojnie informacyjnej.


  2. zenobiusz pisze:


  3. zenobiusz pisze:


  4. zenobiusz pisze:


  5. zenobiusz pisze:


  6. zenobiusz pisze:


  7. zenobiusz pisze:


  8. Wizja pisze:

    Dziś uroczystość Zesłania Ducha Świętego , sugeruję zawieszenie tematu ” gó…………zjadów” bo nie przysporzą światu niczego wartościowego i raczej przeminą bez śladu
    A bez Ducha Świętego…….
    „… Bez daru Ducha Świętego nie ma po prostu Kościoła jako wspólnoty i jedności duchowej, nadprzyrodzonej. Bez Ducha Świętego Kościół pozostaje na płaszczyźnie tylko struktury, organizacji i instytucji socjologicznej, a jego wiara nie dorasta do wiary nadprzyrodzonej, pozostając na poziomie ideologii, światopoglądu lub prywatnych przekonań religijnych. Bez Ducha Świętego księża stają się urzędnikami i funkcjonariuszami kultu zamiast być pasterzami i ojcami duchownymi owczarni. Bez Ducha Świętego celebracje i nabożeństwa zamieniają się w ryty formalne (puste) lub stają się praktykami, w których człowiek szuka swego interesu, a nie woli i chwały Bożej….cd


  9. zenobiusz pisze:

    Nasz Temidor

    Heinrich is a loser and a fraud. He was deported from this country because he treated not only the law but his family with complete and utter contempt. He repeatedly breached a protection order (9 times) that was put in place to protect his ex-wife and children in effect terrorising them. He burgled his ex-wife residence stealing items. On leaving this country as a final insult he tried to use his children as a weapon and a tool in an attempt to gain sympathy by naming them in a bazaar application as if his children were or had been in custody and detained with him. He is now portraying himself as ‚THE VICTIM’ when he is in fact the author of his own misfortune. Good riddance to the bastard and may he never be permitted to reenter this country for the safety of his ex wife and children. Vincent Eastwood you are a fool jumping into bed with this idiot.
    Hearing: 25 May 2012
    Court: Randerson, Harrison and Wild JJ
    Judgment: 25 May 2012
    Reasons: 11 June 2012
    The appeal is dismissed.

    REASONS OF THE COURT (Given by Wild J) [1] These are our reasons for the judgment we delivered urgently at 12.20 pm on 25 May dismissing Mr Misiuk’s appeal. By cellphone from Auckland Airport at approximately 11.45 am on that day, Mr Misiuk had lodged an appeal against the judgment of Venning J delivered orally earlier in the morning, dismissing Mr Misiuk’s application for a writ of habeas corpus. Mr Misiuk was detained at the Airport awaiting deportation from New Zealand on an aircraft scheduled to leave at about 12.40 pm that day. [2] Mr Misiuk advised this Court’s Registry when he telephoned that his grounds of appeal were: (a) Breach of natural justice. (b) He was denied access to a lawyer for this morning’s hearing in the High Court. (c) His children were denied the ability to speak to the High Court. [3] We did not consider there was anything in those three grounds of appeal. There was no breach of natural justice: Mr Misiuk’s application was heard by the High Court and dismissed in a considered judgment. Mr Misiuk was not denied access to a lawyer for the hearing. Venning J recorded at [17] of his judgment that he accepted that counsel for the respondent had made eight unsuccessful attempts to contact the counsel Mr Misiuk advised he had “spoken to about this matter”, to advise counsel of the hearing. As to the third appeal ground, Venning J recorded at [5] of his judgment that Mr Misiuk had purported to bring the application on behalf of his two sons. The Judge did not accept that they had any standing to apply because they were not in custody or detained in terms of the Habeas Corpus Act
    .[8] Mr Misiuk is currently in custody awaiting trial in the District Court at

    Auckland on the following charges:

    (a) escaping from custody, for which there is a first call on 15 March


    (b) 12 charges of burglary, theft, threatening to kill, and nine breaches of a protection order which are due to be heard on 7 February 2011.
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    kiwi499642 lata temu
    +Paul Marian Heinrich [10] He talked of the unbearable psychological abuse and torture. He said that his children, his mother and his ex-wife had all been the subject of gross injustice.
    [11] I concluded from what he had told me that Mr Misiuk wanted to challenge the basis of his various convictions. The summary habeas corpus procedure is however quite unsuited to such challenges. I advised Mr Misiuk that the proper
    procedure to challenge his convictions would be either by way of appeal or judicial review with affidavit evidence. I am quite unable on an application for a writ of habeas corpus to determine a wide range of disputed facts relating to his convictions. I decline Mr Misiuk ’s application for oral evidence. [16] He concludes by stating that his detention continues to be arbitrary, cruel and inhuman and in breach of ss 21 and 22 of the Bill of Rights Act, the UN Convention
    against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
    [17] I am satisfied however that Mr Misiuk ’s detention is lawful. His application for writ of habeas corpus is dismissed. The question of interim relief under s 11 does not arise.
    [18] Costs of $500 are awarded to the respondent on the basis that, notwithstanding advice that he should pursue his grievances in a manner more suited to their resolution, Mr Misiuk continues to make completely unwarranted applications for a writ of habeas corpus…………You can talk until you are blue in the face it still changes nothing. In a previous reply you asked „what make you so sure that I am guilty of any crime”. There is the proof you have supplied it……[11] I concluded from what he had told me that Mr Misiuk wanted to challenge the basis of his various convictions”………As I say you can talk as much as you like you considered yourself special and that NZ law did not apply to you that is quite obvious by this decision. And whats more talking of ……..[10] He talked of the unbearable psychological abuse and torture……….is not proof it is only talk.
    Więcej informacji
    kiwi499642 lata temu
    +kiwi49964 IN THE MATTER OF Habeas Corpus Act 2001



    Appearances: AJH Witten-Hannah for the Applicant
    M A Woolford for the Defendant

    Judgment: 8 May 2009


    [2] The applicant has been competently and vigorously represented by Mr

    Witten-Hannah to whom the Court is obliged.

    You were not hard done by Misiuk aka Heinrich as you can see by the comment of Priestley J…………….
    Więcej informacji
    Living Free Forever
    Living Free Forever2 lata temu
    Hi Vinny, can you add me as a contact. I don’t know how to send a request. I have something I’d like to share with you. I’m also AlternativeInformation1 so you know I’m the same person 🙂 Thanks.
    Monica Smith
    Monica Smith2 lata temu
    This guy ,I know him…unfortunately…he is completely insane…Thanks goodness they moved him from NZ:)
    New Zealand Police is the best on the world!If someone is not guilty,never they will deport …His wife now is free of insane and psychopathic ex husband and she can have normal life:)
    If someone will think-which police will be send someone to the jail for 31 roses? MUST be something wrong…yes?If it was not roses only something else…better think logically…
    Więcej informacji
    kiwi499642 lata temu
    Any contact including giving gifts is a breach of a protection order. Heinrich wasn’t sent to jail for sending gifts at all he was sent to jail for breaking the law not once but over and over again. I hope the authorities have check out the ferry heading our way from Poland this slimy bastard could be stowed away some where on it. It would be a tragedy if he was allowed to reenter NZ his ex wife and children would be in serious danger,.
    Więcej informacji


  10. zenobiusz pisze:


  11. zenobiusz pisze:


  12. pielgrzym pisze:


  13. pielgrzym pisze:

    Prezydent Andrzej Duda 16 maja obchodzi swoje urodziny i imieniny. Dziś także obchodzone jest święto patrona prezydenta RP św. Andrzeja Boboli. Nie będzie jednak wielkiej fety para Prezydencka udaje się dziś do Włoch. W planie rozmowy o NATO i wizyta na Monte Cassino.

    Prezydent Andrzej Duda otrzymał relikwiarz św. Andrzeja Boboli, swojego – i Polski – patrona (8 maja)


  14. zenobiusz pisze:


  15. pielgrzym pisze:

    No, jegomoscie, nie spac tyle, bo was zjedza … 🙂


  16. pielgrzym pisze:


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