ALERT ALAERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAJOR magnetosphere anomaly !

ALERT ALAERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAJOR magnetosphere anomaly !

Don’t know what is causing this but i really don’t think it’s a cme or solar flare!

[link to]

According to the above the northern hemisphere is being bathed in radiation.

Here is an image of the magnetosphere of 22 september 2013
for comparison you can actually choose another previous date and that’s what i did to show the disturbance.

So here it is what looks like to be a normal magnetosphere a few days ago.

[link to]

There is nothing that remotely indicates that earth is being showered by solar wind.

Check the proton count

[link to]

This is FUCKING HUGE either the magnetosphere is coming into a terminal phase or comet ison isn’t what it is supposed to be or there is something else happening in outher space.


Is this why fema is preparing all those heather meals and preparing russian troops in the us? Is this why they are talking about extreme weather change.

So many questions so little answers.

Pole Shift ???
I found another clue to the disturbance.

The goes electron flux is showing it too!

[link to]

This strenghtens my point of view this disturbance isn’t being done by radiation.

It’s electric or magnetic in nature.


However strangely enough the magnetic strenght of the magnetosphere stays the same???????

[link to]

It’s like a surge in electrons in a particular wave lenght.

Is the sun experiencing a major spectral change?

Oh noz it’s about to flip it’s poles and complete it’s pole shift sun doom might be in the making!

That’s it the sun is about to complete it’s 11 year cycle it could be flipping it’s poles as we speak!

Any sun expert around?

Nielicznych zainteresowanych zachęcam do śledzenia dyskusji na :


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  1. zenobiusz pisze:

    Jarek Kefir

    Wysłany 27.09.2013 o 21:17

    Słońce gaśnie?

    Bz = 0, gęstość bliska 0 (z gęstością było tak wiele razy)

    prędkość wiatru słonecznego 2 razy mniejsza niż norma

    Amplituda magnetyczna robi się płaska, tj pole magnetyczne robi się jednorodne:


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