Atomic Bomb Hoax III

Manne Siegbahn, 1924 Nobel prize (physics) winner

Manne Siegbahn, 1924 Nobel prize (physics) winner and close friend of my grandfather was 1945 asked to become head of the Swedish military research agency, FOA, to, i.a., develop a Swedish atomic bomb. Siegbahn suggested that, if all scientific research of FOA immediately became public and subject to independent peer review, he would consider the offer. The Swedish social democratic government did not like that at all. So Manne continued doing peaceful physics research with his cyclotron instead but didn’t really recommend physics or working as a physicist as a career (mostly low paid teacher jobs). So I became a naval architect instead 1965-1969. Thanks, Manne, for your advice!

Of course there are idiots suggesting something like:

7.4.6 SwedenDuring the 50s and 60s Sweden developed considerable nuclear expertise – developing reactor technology and building nuclear power plants. Sweden seriously investigated nuclear weapons from the mid 1950s into the 1960s. A very substantial research effort into the fundamental technical issues of weapon design and manufacture was conducted. By the mid-1960s this effort had supplied sufficient knowledge to allow Sweden to begin immediate manufacture of fairly sophisticated fission weapons. Faced with this decision, Sweden decided not to pursue a weapon production program.

You wonder what clowns write this nonsense. Sweden just found that fission weapons do not work. But it had to remain secret. If you leaked the good news you … got problems. To be politically correct and NEUTRAL you cannot say the SUPERPOWERS and little France play stupid games.

If anybody can find a public, Swedish or any country scientific, peer reviewed paper 1945-2014 that and/or how an atomic bomb works, pls tell me. I have not found any. It is all secret!

You wonder what universities or institutes of technology teach young people to become atomic bomb engineers. Any ideas?

Imagine your job is design and manufacture a military bomb that – a single problem – can only kill old people and children and destroy their poor homes … and you do it. Evidently you are mentally sick, unstable and crazy. Like William L. Laurence:

It is a thing of beauty to behold, this „gadget.” In its design went millions of man-hours of what is without a doubt the most concentrated intellectual effort in history. Never before had so much brain-power been focused on a single problem.William L. Laurence 1945

This also includes 2014 e.g. hysterical Physics Forums:

Physics Forums values quality, civil and productive scientific discussion. We welcome all who believe in these values except Anders Björkman. If anybody links to Anders Björkman’s web page „The atomic bomb hoax 1945-2014″at Physics Forums, then that person is banned for life at Physics Forums that believes in working atomic bombs and rules that the subject cannot be discussed at Physics Forums for obvious reasons! On the other hand the fake Higg’s particle can be discussed at Physics Forums.

The People’s Republic of China, PRC, has joined the above group of crazy, mad fools. The PRC submarine fleet is reportedly the world’s second-largest, with about 70 vessels. About 10 are nuclear-powered, and four or more of those are nuclear powered ballistic (sic) submarines capable of launching missiles with atomic warheads. I am happy to report that none of the atomic warheads works.

All military or civilian atomic bomb supporters are twirps or contemptible persons in my opinion. Religion is said to make good people do evil things. To make intelligent people create stupid things, it takes atomic bomb development, engineering and manufacture protected by military and national security … and good salaries. All paid for by tax payers. One result is Albuquerque, NM, a dump in the New Mexico desert and capital of the useless atomic bomb.



How to be politically correct – support atomic bombs vaporizing children

6 August 2014, the working atomic bombs (that can explode) delusion was only 69 years old. What started as a simple propaganda gimmick to finish WW2 in Japan is still believed by billions of people 2014. Evidently there exist plenty atomic bombs. But none works. But to be politically correct anywhere you have to agree that the atomic bomb works.

I am evidently not politically correct. I don’t like to lie, cheat and be dishonest that you have to do to be politically correct.

An atomic bomb does not work because a nuclear, exponential chain reaction of uranium 235, U235, resulting in sudden release of pure energy is not possible and against the Laws of Nature. I explain why below.

Björkman’s atomic bomb

There were 61 kg (critical mass of a slab of uranium 235, U235, metal) or about 4×1026 or 400 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 uranium-235 (U235) atoms, we were told, in the very heavy 4 400 (!) kg Hiroshima atomic bomb 1945 (equivalent to 15 kilo ton of TNT), i.e. only 1.4% of the atomic bomb was material that could explode, but only 1.5% of the 1.4% or 600 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 U235 atoms actually fissioned or split releasing energy (equivalent to 15 kilo ton of TNT exploding), when the bomb allegedly exploded and released pure energy (and not gas of burnt TNT). Read below of further details of the very, very heavy, US atomic bomb with only 61 kg U235 inside and how it allegedly exploded 6 August 1945 and killed mostly civilians and children and destroyed little of military value.

Admire also my total weight only 80 kg Björkman’s atomic bomb (left) that can be hidden in a bag to fool US Department of Homeland Security & Co. I describe it in detail below. You only need 61 kg of U235 to destroy Hiroshima and it is easily accomplished in the bag left. Will it work? Evidently not.

It is suggested that total 600 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 U235 atoms in the 1945 US created bomb during some nano-seconds split exponentially 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,128 (or 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243 …) … ~300 000 000 000 000 000 000 000, ~600 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 U235 atoms into ~1 200 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 other, smaller atoms (fractions) by free, evil neutrons flying around at the speed of light and in the process released pure energy producing a flash and then a blast/heat wave killing children and others and destroying all houses at Hiroshima except some – see below. And that the free neutrons missed 98.5% of the U235 atoms leaving 394 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 U235 atoms in the bomb not fissioned. All is fantasy! Prof. Hellman of Stanford University also explains the above in a recent hand-out for his atomic bomb design students but it is just stupid nonsense to keep his bosses quiet. More nonsense is the neutron mirror! In order to reduce the number of free neutrons flying away missing the action we are told that latest atomic bombs are fitted with a mirror (!) around the critical mass of uranium or plutonium that reflects the neutrons back into action. With such a neutron mirror you can also reduce the critical mass, it is suggested. But it is all nonsense.

Any nuclear chain reaction or fission must be moderated like in a peaceful nuclear power reactor. It is the simple reason why USA, its Department of War and Charles A. Willoughby created the exponential, chain-reaction atom splitting atomic bombs 1945 to impress friends and foes.

Other web articles by me about clever and funny US propaganda are:

(1) Why NASA space (Moon) travel 1969-2013 is not possible (it is just more US propaganda that asstronots can fly to the Moon) and

(2) Why skyscrapers (like WTC1&2 at NY 2001) do not collapse from top down (only terrorists believe so in New York City).

Imagine how many times we have been fooled by propaganda.

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